I’ve held a curiosity and fascination for people as long as I can remember.
I’ve been interested especially in the ways each of us is a unique self, and the ways we express ourselves in life.
In time, I became equally fascinated by the way that unique self may best be supported to unfold and rise to its full potential. Each of us is one of the unique pieces of a wonderfully rich jigsaw puzzle that makes up our world.
This fascination has woven itself throughout my life. It has led to my working consistently with people of all ages, from young children to people in their old age.
How it started
As a seven year old I became enchanted with images of people from past times and other cultures, and intrigued by their different outlooks and ways of living. I became fascinated by ancient sites and the cultural and spiritual architecture which seemed to grow out of particular world regions.
This soon developed into an interest in life’s inexplicable wonders which, by the age of thirteen, led me to read the scattering of books on Buddhism and archaeology in my school library.
I later discovered a tucked-away bookshop where I lived in Cornwall which became a treasure chest of many esoteric riches on issues such as reincarnation, UFOs, life mysteries and divination.
Alongside these growing fascinations, I became awe inspired by nature’s transformative power, to change, adapt and renew itself… in the weaving of seasons and cycles of growth, and in volcanoes and earthquakes. And here I began to see echoes between cycles of becoming and growth in both nature and people.
During my teenage years, I entered into much soul-searching, developing a great interest in music, art, fashion and design… and in stretching the boundaries of the norm.
During the late 1970s, my abilities in creative design reached a peak of expression against the inspirational backdrop of David Bowie and the early punk movement. I created many unique and hightly creative garments, equally a joy to design, make, create and wear… an exciting journey of self-expression.
On leaving school, my initial training was in childcare, within which I found a particular interest in child psychology and developmental stages of childhood. I also worked with arts and crafts as modes of encouraging self-expression with a healing and therapeutic potential.
From this foundation I began my work with children, initially as a playgroup leader and a Steiner kindergarten assistant with 3-6 year olds, and later as a Steiner teaching assistant with 12-16 year olds in fashion, design and garment construction.
In my early twenties I studied for a degree in Sociology and Psychology at the University of Kent at Canterbury. During this time I also began to delve into Eastern mysticism – Zen Buddhism, Yoga, Taoism and the I Ching, eventually finding an enduring connection with Tibetan Buddhism.
Simultaneously, I was campaigning for mental health rights and for the abolition of ECT or electro-convulsive treatment – which had been an issue in my family. I also explored transformative practices of developing and healing the body and psyche, through the work of Wilhelm Reich, Alexander Lowen, R.D Laing, hallucinogenics and homoeopathy.
After a session with an astrologer in 1988, I began studying astrology, which soon became my passion. I was deeply inspired by attending an astrology course with Jaki Rothery. In seeking to find a container for my astrological explorations, I studied for a diploma with the Astrological Psychology Institute (Switzerland), with Jaki as my tutor. I graduated in 1995.
I’ve now been an astrological consultant for over 25 years, alongside being a group facilitator for both adults and teenagers for 18 years, and a co-facilitator on the Alchemical Journey in Glastonbury.
I also have 34 years’ experience as a mother to four wonderful evolving souls, now grown up, and I’m now further blessed with being a grandmother to two precious grandsons.
In recent years, I have begun to revisit my roots of exploring creative/radical psychology, 40yrs on…re-reading and re-considering the works of Reich, Lowen and R.D Laing, alongside discovering the deep gems of Gabor Mate’s work. I have immense gratitude for their devotion, commitment and sharing of truths which may support us to become more deeply human, in our own unique ways. And to be mindful and active in creating a wider social system which holds and fosters true growth and real support when we may falter.
Astrology is a wisdom code which I use both personally and professionally – it’s an ever-enriching and evolving practice!
It has been an ongoing fascination and a very useful passion, and I deeply enjoy sharing its multidimensional wisdom, insight, usefulness and wonders with others.
….to my four dear adult offspring for their creative encouragement and support of my astrological work; my friends for their loving kindness, and astrology clients and group participants for their constant inspiration and wonderfully encouraging feedback.