Today is Dark or Old Moon in Scorpio…closing the door on the last lunation cycle, before opening into the new cycle with the Scorpio New Moon, tomorrow at 12.47UK time.
We are beckoned into deep dreaming now….
This Dark Moon is an en-couragement towards en-trance, to feel our relationship with thresholds, edges, liminal spaces, wild or howling depths, tender aching beauty…to close our eyes, to feel our senses prickling within the marrow of our feeling-bones which are awakened on this day.
And this year’s Scorpio Moon happens to be on the day we collectively nod to Hallowe’en, so there’s a vibe which is active within the collective field.
Halloween brings us towards Samhain season, an ancient nature based/pagan fire festival on the Wheel of the year.
It’s the cross quarter festival halfway inbetween Autumn equinox and Winter Solstice.
In some traditions it marked the ending of the Old year….time to look over our shoulders with a retrospective glance, to pause and dwell with the old year and all it has brought.
Our celebration and commercialisation of the Christian festival of Hallowe’en/All Hallow’s Eve on 31st.October energetically begins to bring an ambience of Samhain into the collective flow, whatever our faith or belief system.
This Samhain season, has it’s liminal crossing in today’s Scorpio Dark Moon.
It is woven with deep underworldly drives, feelings and heightened visceral senses.
This vibe is powerfully energised by a Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn opposition, at the end of each of these signs, a powerful moment…. now tightening towards it’s peak between 1-4th.November.
We may well fully face both welcome or unwelcome truths, personally and collectively,
Beasts may be raised.
And the lurking deep knowing that all beginnings demand endings before something new may fully birth into being….it is the way of Fate and it’s spinning, measuring and cutting.
What needs to end…inner or outer…or both?
Observe and simply get familiar with your survival instincts, triggers, fears, self-protection, desires for security and defenses which we each erect to cope amidst the winds of Fate.
On a conscious level, we may wish for the deepest level of self-knowing through the empowering process of truth-seeking and enquiry.
Yet in action, engaging with this pathway demands deep courage, ruthless self-observation and commitment, faltering, hesitations, re-commitment to ourselves in all our myriad facets.
There needs to be a connection forged with deep wisdom and compassion….and a deep bond with inner or outer figures of henchmen and henchwomen .
There will be needs for pause and rest along the way (but not too long that we slip and slide backwards into habits of suspension!!).
It is a journey akin to a path through the dark woods of fairy tale and myth.
A mossy spiral staircase into the Underworld where we necessarily face other dimensions of ourselves, life and death, un-knowing and being un-done, experiences of loss and becoming lost…. all part of finding gold within the darkness.
It is on such a journey that we die to our commonly held image of ourselves….meet Fate in the void and rediscover and re-kindle the flame of who we always were, beneath the skins which needed to shed.
The beckoning towards this aspect of life thrums.
Can you feel it?
Samhain season is time to slow down, rest, simply ‘be’, look within, feel into your depths and your body and your bones, seek ever-deepening truth through peeling back the layers, be honest to yourself, foibles and all….sit in this thrumming stillness and open to revelations.
It’s the season to nourish your body and your soul, en-vision and dream, enter into trance-formation…echoing nature’s creatures now entering into their torpor or hibernation phase….nourishing themselves to sustain through their Wintering.
Blessings on Samhain