Today we have a New Moon and solar eclipse in Libra at 18.54 UK time.
A solar eclipse is when the Moon passes across the face of the Sun, creating an increased lunar orientation (instincts, feelings, the realm of ‘unconscious’ or felt knowings/sense), as opposed to solar (the realm of will, conscious direction towards stepping into one’s empowerment as an individual).
Engaging with this particular sky-dance benefits from an exploration into the sign of Libra, the Zodiac sign focus from September 23rd. to October 23rd 2023)
Libra is a cardinal air sign, its symbol of the perfectly balanced weighing scales being the only mechanical object in the Zodiac circle.
Libra is a thinking nature, seeking to bring balance, fairness, equality, good relationship and good conduct into action…. via diplomacy, mediation, negotiation, objectivity and consideration of all sides. The very best of human relating, with a spirit of decency and actively taking a breath to stand back and consider all the issues and needs at hand. Libra also aspires to create and enjoy art, design and music as a human cultivation of beauty, poise and symmetry. Exquisite.
And…as with every sign, it is important to get to know the shadow of this nature, especially when we are opening into an eclipse season on the Libran/Aries theme.
The shadow of any sign initially tends to manifest as untamed, uncontrolled…a ‘troublemaker’ or trickster nature, coming at us apparently from ‘outside’.
We do well from exploring and attempting to form a relationship with this ‘other’, so it does not lurk in the dark in our selves and life, so it may flourish and we may engage with and express a more whole quality of its being.
There is a danger of the sign held in shadow becoming a stubbornly held repository for our deep fears and projected blame; repression adding a hidden power and charge which ultimately explodes into our lives due to longevity of repression and denial. It’s the natural cycle of things…which we each know both personally and are seeing playing out so tragically on the world stage.
So…the shadow of Libra is Aries, first sign of the Zodiac and cardinal fire. Aries is a sign of spontaneous drive for action, will-force to defend and assert a cause dear to the Aries heart and soul, courage to enact a vision, with a willingness to fight for fiercely felt passions and goals.
Aries is the gutsy frontline…Libra is the strategist. Brawn and brain. Battlefield and negotiation table.
Interestingly, Libra is also a sign of ‘rightful vengeance’, or re-balancing a wrong.
Athene, the goddess of justice, was invoked on Greek battlefields, to unleash wrath as revenge.
Today’s New Moon and solar eclipse open a gateway into the next 6 months with a strong signature of Libra/Aries.
It’s a phase where we can actively focus on our relationship with each of these signs…being searingly honest what we ‘think’/aspire towards, and also what our guts may be calling for, our love, our hate, our passion, our sorrow, our desire for revenge….no hiding. All feelings need a place, a nod, to be held and processed. To be received and allowed, as Rumi expresses so eloquently in his poem ‘The Guest House’.
The theme of shadow and power, empowerment and disempowerment, survival, loss, death, release, void and transformation is reflected in the current cosmic signature.
Mars entered Scorpio last week as Pluto turned direct in the accelerated death throes at the end of Capricorn, heralding an intensification of the theme of survival of Authorities, ‘States’, ruling bodies and ‘those in charge’, as we know and have known them.
And the Moon moves into Scorpio tomorrow. Under pressure is state of being or phase which may naturally lead to discomfort, enquiry and dreaming within, and a knowing that something needs to ‘give’ or change….be released, let go or die to make space for new growth.
*See this cycle in action and being in nature al around us…
The Sun enters Scorpio on 23rd.October, with Samhain phase opening in early November . These are all deep cobwebs of connection with the Underworld, the realm of the Moirae, the Fates and the Furies, Hades and Pluto. The fertile ground from which all earthly life emerges and returns…womb to tomb.
How do we each allow in a new realisation, perspective or perception?
What do we each do when we feel threatened?
How kind and compassionate can we be to ourselves, when things are rough, overwhelming and challenging?
How can we uphold our values and beliefs, with courage and respect, and empowered elegance?
What do we each do when we f*#k up?
Is there a move we would like to make in any of these areas? And if so, what may we need to cultivate and create the conditions which might support this journey?
May these words be a spark, a reminder or a provocation to stir into your cauldron…and may we each look within, with raw honesty, as our contribution in weaving Earth and Cosmos amidst these intense times.