A Full Moon Broth (Scorpio Sun/Taurus Moon) with gristle and bones in the cauldron

This evening’s Full Moon in Taurus (opposite Sun in Scorpio) is also a partial Lunar eclipse – Saturday 28th.October 2023). It’s also the completion of the Taurus-Scorpio eclipse cycle theme of these last 2 years, since November 2021.
So here are some fulsome chewy and bony musings upon the essence of Scorpio and Taurus…for you to ponder, gristle, spice and all.
When the Sun resides in Scorpio, we find ourselves on the winding pathway into the depths of Autumn. It’s the Samhain phase when leaves are whirled off branches by storms and wild winds, with the stodge of mud and the crunch of acorns and beech mast underfoot.
Creatures begin their hibernation and fetid fungal aromas creep from misty forest floors. It’s the time of Autumn’s descent and trance-formation.
Taurus is everything opposite, being the sign directly across the Zodiac wheel from Scorpio. This Taurus Full Moon is known traditionally as the Hunter’s Moon, allowing hunters the full light of the Moon to hunt their prey, which provided Winter survival stores to last the hard months when there is little growth.
Taurus essence is the fullness of Spring, the season of Beltane when hedgerows are full, lush, verdant and abundant with beauty and edible plants. Aromas of bluebells and wild garlic abound. It’s the time of Spring’s dreaming and becoming.
These two Zodiac signs both reflect essential and polarising principles amidst the cycle of growth/dying/evolution.
The upsurging life-growth urge of Taurus to become, to be, to physically manifest in form, to grow roots and stabilise into an enduring entity.
And the equal and opposite principle of being drawn and magnetised towards Scorpio’s mysterious depths in the phase of death’s ending and completion.
In this Scorpio part of the cycle, something known, familiar, solid, physical and tangible is released or is lost…a body-skin, a habit now shifts it’s form, becoming outworn, a snake skin shedding….something necessarily releasing, emptying and shape-shifting.
We see the outer expression of this cycle in the familiar leafy tree line and full hedgerow becoming a spiky bony silhouette as an autumnal essence of it’s former self.
This season, phase and Zodiac sign challenge us…taking us down and ‘beyond’, and we often respond with fear and resistance, and ironically, yet understandably ‘holding on’.
We are not well-versed in how to dance with this de-generative phase of the cycle. Maybe we naturally hold-on to that which is known, and ‘life-full’, as our greatest physical instinct is self-preservation.
Yet our deepest instinct is surely a kinship with the whole of the natural cycle.
Methinks we benefit from exploring phases of release and dying with curiosity….as a mystery and a becoming, something great and deep and beyond our usual knowing. Deserving our honour, alongside our fear.
In this territory of life, we discover our own depths and mechanisms and styles of coping and being with the Unknown. This in itself is often a process of revelation.
Death is part of Life. A fullness before release, a gathering up before going….with an oft unknown magic weaving and whispering throughout our grieving process surrounding that which is lost, in either essence or form…life itself, something or someone cherished, a hope or a dream of potential, now gone. The Void is both empty and full.
This Scorpio phase is of entering the Void, Bardo, Formlessness, – a seed-releasing into the Void, where Fate sits dreaming…un-spinning and un-weaving for a while, before a spark emerges from the Void of it’s own volition, out of the cosmic cauldron of all which went before and more….to begin the cycle again.
It’s Trance-formation.
So this Full Moon finds us straddling two principles…Taurus and Scorpio
It’s day to stir the cauldron with curiosity…to listen to your visceral knowings …and breathe deeply into Life.
*A Word Broth*
Taurus and Scorpio polarities to stir and consider, chew and meditate upon, to dive deeply into this Full moon and all which the cycle of these last two years has brought….
Eros – Thanatos
In breath – Out breath
Swelling – Emptying
Nourishing – Fasting
Gathering – Undoing
Construction – De-construction
Holding on – Letting go
Gain – Loss
Fullness – Emptiness
Slow pace – Intense drive
Embodiment – Ensoulment
Life – Death
What do these images provoke and bring up within you?
Which essence do you find or dis-cover you are instinctively drawn towards?
In which areas of life may one of these priniciples dominate?
May there be benefit from dreaming into the opposite essence, to open up a less bramble-tangled pathway between these principles, to play creatively with a richer balance?
Enjoy! (with a hint of spice)
Blessings upon this Full moon and all it may bring, in richness and potential. ❣️☯️

Virgo season

Virgo season has begun.
Early this morning my kitchen was full of the rich aroma of bread rising overnight, with hints of blackberries infusing in vinegar in a big earthenware pot, richly stewing a medicinal cordial to soothe sore throats over Winter.
The Sun had risen that bit later, visibly lower in the sky, and the grass was still damp from the night’s dew.
It’s the time of year when we behold the wonder and value of the Earth’s gifts, riches and all we can harvest.
Shining grain fields transformed into bread, swelling golden corn on the cob, deep iron-rich beetroots, ripening apples, purple blackberries, jelly and jam and pickle making, pumpkins and squash, trailing beans…and herbs which gift us precious medicine.
Virgo is a mutable Earth sign of the ritual priestess or virgin. This is a simple and quiet hermit-in-the-woods archetype, who lives within the seasons, sealskin patted firmly on, observing and honouring nature’s cycles.
It’s the one who practices and gifts earthy healing magic. the one who crafts and mends and brings attention to the small yet important details of life, with thoughtfulness.
It’s a sign of interiority, simplicity, a desire to bring order to life, to sort, discern and clarify wheat from chaff, Self from Other.
Virgo season is a liminal season…an inbetween mutable sign where Summer is ending and Autumn is beginning. It’s the season to notice the nuances of seasonal and cyclical transformation; the dew falling just a little earlier at night and lasting that little bit longer in the morning, the shift of different constellations rising and setting in the sky, the many wonders of our Earth and Cosmos, and the Spirit and elemental power weaving throughout all.
Time to pause, to take stock, to order, to mend, to clear.
What do you want to keep and cherish in your being and in your life… to integrate and incorporate? What may you feel nudged or called to release at Summer’s End?
A simple ritual of sitting outdoors by a fire as dusk falls, settling into reflection, wisdom-making, release and commitment can give great benefit in times of transition and transformation. Something is marked…and life may move and weave on in a subtly altered, deepened enriched way.
Then notice what may emerge….maybe a stirring within your Soul…maybe a call to weave some simple awe-some wonder into your Life…
Blessings on this Virgo season🌾🌻 💖