Pluto transits

 Pluto transits undermine and mine under.
Throughout the process, we discover aspects of ourselves which were previously hidden from our view, or buried and hatching. These very qualities may be absolutely visible to others, and seen as our power or wealth.
Pluto transits are a natural and necessary phase in a life cycle, which we will each experience at some points in our Life.
It’s an evolution of our Soul’s essence, a magnetic pull to grow down into ourselves.
It’s an experience of going under, being taken down and inwards, often needing the space of aloneness to sense and enter into this call towards communion with our Soul.
It’s a process of dissembling, a deconstructing of anything which has completed its natural cycle and can no longer purposefully survive in its current form.
It’s a process.
Anything now proving complete or outworn will tend to cease working, ebb, fall, disappear or die, leaving a space and a fertile void which feels stangely empty and full, at one and the same time.
Our conscious mind may rail and rebel at such shifts, we may kick and scream, yet Fate will have it’s way…the way of our Soul.
It’s a snake shedding a skin, a chrysalis process, a Phoenix ultimately arising.
Out of such an un-wound space, a renewed form is silently and determinedly seeding, hatching and gradually coming to birth.
It’s sometimes a deeply enchanting and alluring journey…there’s a magnetism. Sometimes a sense of nemesis is hazily shrouded and we innocently plunge towards something which carries a potent sense of destiny. At other times we have a sense on the edge of our awareness….that we are a moth to a flame, knowing wings will smoulder, yet our  Fate sing a siren’s calling.
This Pluto process beckons us to unveil another layer of Soul. It heralds a discovery of buried treasure quietly and patiently awaiting the ripe and open conditions to emerge, and to begin its becoming and integration.
Often not pretty, often a primal ripping and tearing of who we though we were and should be. Demanding out honesty and truth-telling to ourselves.
And oh…through the dazed, crumpled, bruised rags and tatters, that emerging potential to dance deeply within the rapture of life as a phoenix rising…
‘And the time came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom’ – Anais Nin