Spring Equinox

Here are some insights into tomorrow’s Full Moon in Pisces, (04.34 GMT Saturday 14th.September), and the forthcoming seasonal shift of Autumn Equinox. May this be inspiring, useful and supportive on your Life journey!
The particular Full Moon is traditionally known as the Harvest moon, due to lending the fullness of it’s light to harvest gatherers throughout time.
The Moon is in Pisces, in conjunction with Neptune, and the Sun is shining full upon it’s face from across the Zodiac, in Virgo, in conjunction with Mars. Both the Sun and the Moon are linked in a 90′ (square) aspect to Jupiter in Sagittarius, forming what is traditionally known as a T-square.
So what does it all mean and how might it be relevant and useful to understand? Well, here goes….
This Full Moon ambience (Moon in Pisces/Sun in Virgo) is a recognition of each of our unique and personal gifts of ‘willing service’; the flowing and giving of our natural gifts for the benefit of both ourselves and others, giving us a place in Life.
It’s the sharing expression of our natural essence; that which we came into this life to be and do.
The following questions deepen our engagement with this important life theme:
The involvement of the other planets (noted above) with this Full Moon, open us up to a dynamic urgency towards finding our niche in the order of life and doing something useful and meaningful; having a sense of purpose, place and a role in the grand scheme of things.
There is a push-pull between fulfilling the needs of our everyday practical needs and the order we have created in our lives, together with desires to make a greater space for our dreams and desires to live in accordance with Spirit…to dream bigger and infuse life with a sense of greater connection and unification. There is a likely test of hope and faith and the potential of being inspired and infused with greater dreams and goals…. or chasing Grand Illusions! Remember that ‘beware’ means Be Aware!
The Equinox is ten days after tomorrow’s Full Moon (Monday 23rd.September at 08.50hrs GMT) when day and night are equal in length.
This is a point of poise and balance in the cycle of the year. It is a balance point after which Autumn reigns for the next three months, until Winter Solstice.
This is the time of year when our activities, and our awareness begin to subtly move inwards, towards the resting or Yin phase of the year.We find we are reflecting upon our lives, the world, and what it’s all about, a little more than usual. Our attention begins to turn and find it’s focus within. The central theme becomes BALANCE…
Tomorrow’s Full Moon occurs ten days before Autumn Equinox…and the New Moon (when both Sun and Moon are in conjunction) occurs five days afterwards. There is a sense of symmetry in this cycle… There is rich potential at Full Moon to visibly see and be consciously aware of the blossoming fullness, harvest and consequences of these last nine ‘growth-oriented’ months. Then we reach the poise and balance point of Equinox, which heralds the seasonal ‘shift’ into Autumn, further emphasised by the forthcoming New Moon.
We can explore and move with this process, by connecting consciously with the Full Moon themes (above), followed by Autumn Equinoctial themes before by the inward-moving orientation of the waning Moon phase.
Read on….
And here’s an Autumnal image to ponder: After gathering the fruits of Nature’s creative labours, we then use our time, energy and commitment to process them into a useful form in order to be enjoyed, be of lasting usefulness (preserving), and be of benefit (food, medicine, crafting or building materials).
So it is with the fruits of our own life experiences and creative labours.
Consider the theme of balance in your life:
Five days after Autumn Equinox, we enter into into the Dark Moon phase of this Lunar cycle (26/27th.September).
Dark Moon is the lunar phase of integrating and disintegrating, ‘making sense of’, releasing, shifting, and finally letting go.
It is an ’emptying’ which creates space for inner dreaming and transformation (trance-formation).
It’s a time to focus upon opening up a respectful space for your intuitions and the subtle nuances of your feelings and dreams…be awake to the shifting and arising sense of meaning which may emerge….
These soul-weavings will infuse the new themes and pathways which birth with the New Moon in Libra on Saturday 28th.September….time to stand with poise, grace, and power amidst the goldening of this season.
Blessings upon this season!