Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox blessings!
The Sun entered the Zodiac sign of Aries before dawn here in England today, heralding the end of Wintering and the rising of Spring’s vital potent energy both around and within us.
Creating balance becomes really important now.
We may want to power ahead in some way, or even feel we ‘ought’. Yet this newly birthing rising sap energy also needs deep rest and reflection to generate, grow, orientate and sustain itself.
This reflects the needs of a newborn baby….for love, rich nurturing and deep sleep and dreaming as they enter life on earth and seek to orientate themselves in this new realm.
Listen….notice…be curious.
Witness what is becoming, both within and around you.
What may be unfurling upwards and outwards as a tender and vital shoot of energy emerging from your Winter’s dreaming?
Explore and nurture this essence which is calling and weaving itself through you, into being.
What may be igniting you, driving you…irritating or impassioning you towards creating change?
Attending to the need for any life adjustments, releasing and re-balancing….these are worthy of your focus at Spring Equinox.
Inner and outer Spring cleanings which enable and enhance your natural flow of energy.
And not to be forgotten…giving a nod to all you have experienced, felt, realised, processed and come through throughout the wintry months.
Wisdom gained and tucked into the pockets of your Soul.
These life wisdoms infuse and inspire the casting off of cloaks which have been shrouding who you were always meant to be.
The Unveiling of You. ❣
‘Whatever you do, or dream you can do, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it’ – Goethe

Full Moon…Autumn Equinox …and New Moon

Here are some insights into tomorrow’s Full Moon in Pisces, (04.34 GMT Saturday 14th.September), and the forthcoming seasonal shift of Autumn Equinox. May this be inspiring, useful and supportive on your Life journey!

Full Moon

The particular Full Moon is traditionally known as the Harvest moon, due to lending the fullness of it’s light to harvest gatherers throughout time. 
The Moon is in Pisces, in conjunction with Neptune, and the Sun is shining full upon it’s face from across the Zodiac, in Virgo, in conjunction with Mars. Both the Sun and the Moon are linked in a 90′ (square) aspect to Jupiter in Sagittarius, forming what is traditionally known as a T-square.

So what does it all mean and how might it be relevant and useful to understand? Well, here goes….
This Full Moon ambience (Moon in Pisces/Sun in Virgo) is a recognition of each of our unique and personal gifts of ‘willing service’; the flowing and giving of our natural gifts for the benefit of both ourselves and others, giving us a place in Life.
It’s the sharing expression of our natural essence; that which we came into this life to be and do.

The following questions deepen our engagement with this important life theme:

  • What is your gift or skill, which flows freely and effortlessly through you into the world, and which you simply love giving?
  • Is this already radiating through you, being expressed and given into Life?
  • And where, and how might you find the best ‘fit’ of this gift, into life and everyday reality, to maximise it’s blossoming?
  • Does something need to be tweaked or re-shaped to create a better ‘fit’, either within yourself, or in the world? (NB. this might be either practical or attitudinal)

The involvement of the other planets (noted above) with this Full Moon, open us up to a dynamic urgency towards finding our niche in the order of life and doing something useful and meaningful; having a sense of purpose, place and a role in the grand scheme of things.
There is a push-pull between fulfilling the needs of our everyday practical needs and the order we have created in our lives, together with desires to make a greater space for our dreams and desires to live in accordance with Spirit…to dream bigger and infuse life with a sense of greater connection and unification. There is a likely test of hope and faith and the potential of being inspired and infused with greater dreams and goals…. or chasing Grand Illusions! Remember that ‘beware’ means Be Aware!

Autumn Equinox

The Equinox is ten days after tomorrow’s Full Moon (Monday 23rd.September at 08.50hrs GMT) when day and night are equal in length.
This is a point of poise and balance in the cycle of the year. It is a balance point after which Autumn reigns for the next three months, until Winter Solstice.

This is the time of year when our activities, and our awareness begin to subtly move inwards, towards the resting or Yin phase of the year.We find we are reflecting upon our lives, the world, and what it’s all about, a little more than usual. Our attention begins to turn and find it’s focus within. The central theme becomes BALANCE…

Tomorrow’s Full Moon occurs ten days before Autumn Equinox…and the New Moon (when both Sun and Moon are in conjunction) occurs five days afterwards. There is a sense of symmetry in this cycle… There is rich potential at Full Moon to visibly see and be consciously aware of the blossoming fullness, harvest and consequences of these last nine ‘growth-oriented’ months. Then we reach the poise and balance point of Equinox, which heralds the seasonal ‘shift’ into Autumn, further emphasised by the forthcoming New Moon.

We can explore and move with this process, by connecting consciously with the Full Moon themes (above), followed by Autumn Equinoctial themes before by the inward-moving orientation of the waning Moon phase.
Read on….

Autumn Equinox questions and musings to keep us on track

  • What have you experienced, created, understood and brought to fruition and harvest, over these last nine months?
  • And now, can you find and acknowledge the inherent value this experience or action has, as a jewel within?
  • How may you process this into usefulness which might benefit others, and the world around you?

And here’s an Autumnal image to ponder: After gathering the fruits of Nature’s creative labours, we then use our time, energy and commitment to process them into a useful form in order to be enjoyed, be of lasting usefulness (preserving), and be of benefit (food, medicine, crafting or building materials).
So it is with the fruits of our own life experiences and creative labours.

Consider the theme of balance in your life:

  • What is in balance in your life? Honour this…give it value, and give yourself credence!
  • What is out of balance? See what you may be able to adjust, adapt, reconsider, see from another angle, change. Above all, be kind to yourself!
  • Consider your state of health and well being…may anything need adjusting here?
  • Do you have a good balance of work and rest/rejuvenation? Active-time and dream-time?

Dark Moon and New Moon

Five days after Autumn Equinox, we enter into into the Dark Moon phase of this Lunar cycle (26/27th.September).

Dark Moon is the lunar phase of integrating and disintegrating, ‘making sense of’, releasing, shifting, and finally letting go.
It is an ’emptying’ which creates space for inner dreaming and transformation (trance-formation).
It’s a time to focus upon opening up a respectful space for your intuitions and the subtle nuances of your feelings and dreams…be awake to the shifting and arising sense of meaning which may emerge….

These soul-weavings will infuse the new themes and pathways which birth with the New Moon in Libra on Saturday 28th.September….time to stand with poise, grace, and power amidst the goldening of this season.

Blessings upon this season!

Spring Equinox and Full Moon

March 20th/21st 2019

Here are some insights into Spring Equinox – the opening up of a new phase of the year today. This is a time of richly potent forward motion dovetailing with a need to complete processes and lay issues of the last cycle to rest. With a nod to humility and greater powers than ourselves. May this be inspiring, useful and supportive on your Life journey!
Spring Equinox is when the day and night are of equal length, and the Sun bursts forth into the Zodiac sign of Aries!It marks the beginning of the new astrological year – and Spring. The essence of Spring Equinox is a balance point which inspires us with urgency to cast off winter’s cloak. Earth energy bursts upwards into visibility. This follows the deep nourishment of the Earth during winter’s hibernation, laying the ground for the new growth cycle of spring. Buds are opening, birdsong shifts in tone and volume as they busily build their nests. There is a great rising of Eros and a rampant and urgent drive to begin and create, to move forwards with fiery enthusiasm and courage. This year, a Full Moon accompanies Spring Equinox, occurring only a few hours after the Sun moves into Aries, together with Chiron being in conjunction with the Sun, and a retrograde Mercury in Pisces. So, let’s unpick this particular accompaniment to Spring Equinox, to support our knowing how to best engage with the present energy-weather.

Full moon – Sun in Aries, Moon in Libra 01.44hrs GMT, 21st March

Full Moon is when the Sun and Moon are exactly opposite one another. It is when the Sun shines directly onto the Moon, hence the Moon being bright and visible as a full circle in the opposite sign of the Zodiac. At Full Moon time in the Lunar cycle, things tend to reach a peak. The revving up towards this point is often felt during the two days before exactitude. Energy is building: dreams, hopes, issues and plans (both conscious and unconscious) which were set in motion two weeks ago on the Pisces New Moon, now reach a flourishing full blossom. There is a feeling of being on the crest of a wave about to break. The trick is to ride the wave, as with the grace and skill of a skilled surfer, going with and adapting to the power of the wave. Energy can be high and at a peak or running riot during the run-up to a Full Moon. Many people experience a feeling of being ‘wired’. For some, there is a feeling of being edgy, speedy, with diminished sleep, impatience and sometimes headaches. If this is so for you, consider this: find the dates of the Full Moons in your diary or calendar, and see if you can possibly ‘deschedule’ during the couple of days preceding Full Moon. Or simply make a note to be extra kindly and compassionate towards yourself! The essence of this week’s Full Moon is one of finding a way to dance with and between the opposites of individual drive to power forwards on an independent trajectory, whilst attending to the needs of relationship and considertion of others. We find we need to attend to negotiation and co-operation with others – to look before we leap, taking stock and carefully considering the short and longer term impact and potential consequences of our intents and actions upon both ourselves and others. It’s an act of honouring both Self and Other with power and grace.

Chiron conjunct Sun in Aries

This cosmic conjunction is simultaneous with Spring Equinox and Full Moon. It stimulates our awareness of where we may feel a sense of flaw or lack or wounding in our personal power; in our ability to push our lives in the direction in which we believe we should be going. Our Soul holds a deep wisdom as to our life direction, meaning and purpose, and we sometimes move into a collision with this when we try to push in a direction which is directing ourselves away from where we really need to be going! Our Soul is at all times whispering directions and encouraging us to keep us ‘on track’, and there are times when we each stubbornly refuse to read the signs and take notice! Chiron holds a golden key (this is visible in its planetary symbol), a key which turns at just the point in time when we ‘give up’, fed up of wrestling with an issue to no avail, humbled or even experiencing a feeling of quiet desperation. So there is a magic here, which comes into being at just the point we really feel our incapability. In this space, we ‘give’ up and open up, as it feels there is nowhere else to go. In turn, if we are willing to dwell in this uncomfortable place, we may discover the gift of being guided by an invisible hand and a sense that we are not alone after all.

Mercury retrograde in Pisces

We are at this time within a Mercury retrograde phase (5th-28th March). Mercury retrograde is a much maligned phase which seems to inspire fearful anticipations, being used as an excuse for flakiness as well as some amusing memes!!It is a phase where communications and plans do sometimes go awry. But the reality beneath this so often comes from our trying to push or gallop off in a certain direction which we are not yet ready for. We may need to stay still and gain clarity first, by sorting out issues which need to be addressed, before we can move ahead. In some ways, Mercury retrograde is rather like a cosmic holding pen where we are waiting for the next ‘bit’ to happen, but first, we need to stop, look and listen – which of course can be very frustrating! So if you are feeling frustrated in your personal direction, maybe take some time out to pause, make a cup of tea, sit outdoors and bask in the wonder and beauty of Spring. Look back over your shoulder at things in your Life which may need attention in order to lay them to rest…before you can power forwards with maximum velocity!It’s a dance of many varied steps. As Mr.Booja-Booja says: “What else might be possible that you haven’t considered yet?” And, last but not least, check where you can let your dreams, hopes and wishes for a compassionate world, infuse and inspire your life, in any ways you are able. This Mercury retrograde is conjuncting Neptune in Pisces!

Questions and enquiries to keep us on track

  • Consider any areas in your life which may be out of balance. (Clues to this are spotting areas of life which are irritating or bothering you, or simply feel clunky or ‘wrong’!).
  • Look at what you may be able to adjust, accept what you can’t adjust and make any necessary adaptations in your attitude to heal the situation.
  • In which areas of Life are you feeling you want to fire ahead? What can you begin to put in place here?
  • What might be holding you back…or exerting a pull-back force? Look closely!
  • What needs clearing away in the Undergrowth?
  • What’s inspiring you…driving you…pressing upwards into your consciousness?
  • What needs expressing? Go for it!
Today is a really powerful day to set clear intents… Spring Equinox is the time of beginnings. “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” (Anster/Goethe). With Spring Equinoctial Blessings, Lynne