Spring Equinox

Spring Equinox blessings!
The Sun entered the Zodiac sign of Aries before dawn here in England today, heralding the end of Wintering and the rising of Spring’s vital potent energy both around and within us.
Creating balance becomes really important now.
We may want to power ahead in some way, or even feel we ‘ought’. Yet this newly birthing rising sap energy also needs deep rest and reflection to generate, grow, orientate and sustain itself.
This reflects the needs of a newborn baby….for love, rich nurturing and deep sleep and dreaming as they enter life on earth and seek to orientate themselves in this new realm.
Listen….notice…be curious.
Witness what is becoming, both within and around you.
What may be unfurling upwards and outwards as a tender and vital shoot of energy emerging from your Winter’s dreaming?
Explore and nurture this essence which is calling and weaving itself through you, into being.
What may be igniting you, driving you…irritating or impassioning you towards creating change?
Attending to the need for any life adjustments, releasing and re-balancing….these are worthy of your focus at Spring Equinox.
Inner and outer Spring cleanings which enable and enhance your natural flow of energy.
And not to be forgotten…giving a nod to all you have experienced, felt, realised, processed and come through throughout the wintry months.
Wisdom gained and tucked into the pockets of your Soul.
These life wisdoms infuse and inspire the casting off of cloaks which have been shrouding who you were always meant to be.
The Unveiling of You. ❣
‘Whatever you do, or dream you can do, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it’ – Goethe

SAGITTARIUS – from darkness into light

The Sun leaves the subterranean world of Scorpio and begins it’s journey through Sagittarius today.
The hope and optimism of this Fire sign fans flickering flames to life, from the buried glowing embers of Scorpio.
‘There MUST be a greater purpose to be found within the Scorpio journeyings into the Underworld and all that searching around in the darkness!!’ says this sign of meaning making.
The Sagittarian commitment to hope springing eternal brings an inner landscape to birth in a renewed way…Phoenix risen from the ashes burns evermore brightly.

This is the Zodiac season of hunger for life-adventures, lust for life, instinctive drives and passions, the pursuit and discovery of a wider world beyond homestead, a magnetism towards that which is peeping just above the horizon, of new potential and possibility. And that hunch of something just about to unfiold and spark into a new adventure or a new life trajectory. Wow! Exciting!!!
And even if the reality isn’t quite the imagined wondrous potential, the Sagittarian faith that everything has a meaning, and there is wisdom to be gained even within the most difficult of circumstances, means a quick dusting off can swiftly re-combobulate and re-orientate towards a new horizon, with a growing kit-bag of wisdom.

It’s the time of inner philosophical wonderings as to the connections and web of life, a time of journeyings and exploration into the bigger broader picture of life, learning, sense-making, making wisdom from experience, as long as moments of slower breathing and reflection can be created in the pauses between adventures. And then sharing that wisdom and inspiring others to look upwards and outwards.
This is the season of dreaming into landscapes of stories and myths…of gazing into the embers of a fire and wondering…and seeing what you are gifted to see.
Time to light that lantern in the darkness which may carry the eternal flame of Hope, which we surely need amidst these turbulent times.
The Chinese word for CRISIS is a beautiful symbol of the bridge between Scorpio and Sagittarius:
Wei Ji – Wei= Crisis, and Ji= Opportunity.
May we hold and tend this potential as a precious flame🙏

Virgo season

Virgo season has begun.
Early this morning my kitchen was full of the rich aroma of bread rising overnight, with hints of blackberries infusing in vinegar in a big earthenware pot, richly stewing a medicinal cordial to soothe sore throats over Winter.
The Sun had risen that bit later, visibly lower in the sky, and the grass was still damp from the night’s dew.
It’s the time of year when we behold the wonder and value of the Earth’s gifts, riches and all we can harvest.
Shining grain fields transformed into bread, swelling golden corn on the cob, deep iron-rich beetroots, ripening apples, purple blackberries, jelly and jam and pickle making, pumpkins and squash, trailing beans…and herbs which gift us precious medicine.
Virgo is a mutable Earth sign of the ritual priestess or virgin. This is a simple and quiet hermit-in-the-woods archetype, who lives within the seasons, sealskin patted firmly on, observing and honouring nature’s cycles.
It’s the one who practices and gifts earthy healing magic. the one who crafts and mends and brings attention to the small yet important details of life, with thoughtfulness.
It’s a sign of interiority, simplicity, a desire to bring order to life, to sort, discern and clarify wheat from chaff, Self from Other.
Virgo season is a liminal season…an inbetween mutable sign where Summer is ending and Autumn is beginning. It’s the season to notice the nuances of seasonal and cyclical transformation; the dew falling just a little earlier at night and lasting that little bit longer in the morning, the shift of different constellations rising and setting in the sky, the many wonders of our Earth and Cosmos, and the Spirit and elemental power weaving throughout all.
Time to pause, to take stock, to order, to mend, to clear.
What do you want to keep and cherish in your being and in your life… to integrate and incorporate? What may you feel nudged or called to release at Summer’s End?
A simple ritual of sitting outdoors by a fire as dusk falls, settling into reflection, wisdom-making, release and commitment can give great benefit in times of transition and transformation. Something is marked…and life may move and weave on in a subtly altered, deepened enriched way.
Then notice what may emerge….maybe a stirring within your Soul…maybe a call to weave some simple awe-some wonder into your Life…
Blessings on this Virgo season🌾🌻 💖