The Sun leaves the subterranean world of Scorpio and begins it’s journey through Sagittarius today.
The hope and optimism of this Fire sign fans flickering flames to life, from the buried glowing embers of Scorpio.
‘There MUST be a greater purpose to be found within the Scorpio journeyings into the Underworld and all that searching around in the darkness!!’ says this sign of meaning making.
The Sagittarian commitment to hope springing eternal brings an inner landscape to birth in a renewed way…Phoenix risen from the ashes burns evermore brightly.
This is the Zodiac season of hunger for life-adventures, lust for life, instinctive drives and passions, the pursuit and discovery of a wider world beyond homestead, a magnetism towards that which is peeping just above the horizon, of new potential and possibility. And that hunch of something just about to unfiold and spark into a new adventure or a new life trajectory. Wow! Exciting!!!
And even if the reality isn’t quite the imagined wondrous potential, the Sagittarian faith that everything has a meaning, and there is wisdom to be gained even within the most difficult of circumstances, means a quick dusting off can swiftly re-combobulate and re-orientate towards a new horizon, with a growing kit-bag of wisdom.
It’s the time of inner philosophical wonderings as to the connections and web of life, a time of journeyings and exploration into the bigger broader picture of life, learning, sense-making, making wisdom from experience, as long as moments of slower breathing and reflection can be created in the pauses between adventures. And then sharing that wisdom and inspiring others to look upwards and outwards.
This is the season of dreaming into landscapes of stories and myths…of gazing into the embers of a fire and wondering…and seeing what you are gifted to see.
Time to light that lantern in the darkness which may carry the eternal flame of Hope, which we surely need amidst these turbulent times.
The Chinese word for CRISIS is a beautiful symbol of the bridge between Scorpio and Sagittarius:
Wei Ji – Wei= Crisis, and Ji= Opportunity.
May we hold and tend this potential as a precious flame🙏 ❣
A deep red curtain rises for the opening night of ‘Crisis and Opportunity – a commentary upon this time’, a much heralded new theatre production.
SCENE 1: A backdrop of a smoky industrial chimney skyline, government buildings, grey clad workers in line…images of the Establishment; schools, hospitals, banks, silicon valley. With an ambience of something is gathering momentum and about to happen. (Subtitle: Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn)
SCENE 2 : Lush green pastures and blossoms, vibrant wildlife, organic food; images of agrochemicals, pollution, dying bees and fast food. With an ambience of something is brewing towards critical mass and about to change. (Subtitle: Uranus in Taurus)
RANDOMLY INTERWOVEN CONNECTIVE SCENES: Morphing symbolic images of earth-scapes and cosmos-scapes; temples, prayer wheels, majestic mountains, bliss and beauty…ways we reach for a fusion with Spirit…the ocean, mermaids and monsters. Hallucinations? Real or unreal? Now you see them…now you don’t.
Revolving and evolving scenes. Variations on a theme of a longing and yearning to infuse our lives with something higher, something pure and perfect…an ethereal essence of paradise and unification.
So let’s look at these curious ‘Randomly interwoven connective scenes’ within the imagined theatre production of ‘Crisis and Opportunity – a commentary upon these times’. Maybe you’ve guessed the planetary transit within the ambience of my words….? Well, we’re about to explore another protagonist in our present time: Neptune in Pisces… Note: Scenes 1 & 2 were explored in my three previous Crisis and Opportunity blogs.
Neptune is in Pisces from 2011 to 2025. Neptune is one of the slow moving far/outer planets, with a 165yr orbit around the Sun. No-one presently on Earth has experienced Neptune in Pisces during their lifetime. Its last sojourn in Pisces (1847-1862), saw the vast unfolding of the Industrial revolution.
Neptune is the planetary ruler of Pisces, so whilst abiding in its ‘home-sign’, it is very strongly active amidst the very best conditions to fulfill its cosmic remit. In a nutshell, this is a process of dissolving that which is outworn and no longer necessary; enabling the freeing up of wing-room to develop crucial evolutionary changes towards living with more Spirit and Compassion. This principle goes for both individuals and the collective.
The Zodiac sign of Pisces
Pisces is the twelfth and last sign of the Zodiac wheel. It’s a mutable water sign, symbolised by two fishes swimming in opposite directions. One fish swims horizontally around the ecliptic and the other fish reaches up towards the heavens. Pisces represents the area of life beyond the physical realm ~ the Otherworld. This is the invisible world of intuition, sixth sense, desire to merge with the Divine, God, angels, phantoms, and ghosts.
It’s the realm from which we each emerge into Earthly life through our birthing, and where we return through our dying.
It’s the chaos from which all creation emerges…and then dissolves for purification and re-emergence.
It’s the habitat of dreams, trances, visions, kaleidoscopic perceptions, psychic connections, and knowings.
Artistic and symbolic expression perhaps most effectively convey this mysterious, ethereal, and powerful realm, which weaves throughout our earthly mortal coil; a continual thread of connection with the divine realm and spiritual home. Art awakens us to this realm within our lives and our psyche…a realm which is oft imperceptible, invisible, and semiconscious. Through art, we may reach into or be transported into the Beyond and maybe gain a touch or a fleeting glimpse of the Otherworld.
There are many ways of reaching into the Beyond. All require a giving up or sacrificing of individuality to enable merging into fusion. We may journey into the Beyond with intention.. or we may find ourselves unconsciously slipping or led into an altered state.
This journeying may be stimulated by prayer, meditation, ecstatic dance, ritual and ceremony, hallucinogenics, deep love, sexual bliss, poetry, psychosis, dreams, and addictions. Within these altered states, our consciousness expands and morphs as everyday boundaries dissolve. Through these portals, we may touch the Divine and experience fusion (going beyond the Self into cosmic attachment and Oneness), merging into the oceanic bliss of divine unconditional all-encompassing love, true compassion, and empathy.
Neptune in Pisces
The planetary archetype of Neptune is an ‘active principle’ within our psyche. It is the vehicle within which we may journey towards this state of Beyond and fusion, reaching for a state of redemption and maybe bring a little heaven to earth if we are able and willing.
When Neptune is in Pisces, there is an expansion and a going beyond everyday earthly concerns. An opening of a portal through which we may enter and imbibe an in-fusion of Spirit or Otherworldliness. Each individual and each worldly culture has its own interpretation and imagery of this place within and without. This ambience inspires and calls us to reach up and move beyond our everyday boundaried Self…to touch and merge with the divine.
There is a vast array of mediums of trans-port to this destination. And they all run on Kairos time…no Chronos timetables. Only Magic Portals.
We may journey either alone or alongside others in religious or spiritual ceremony, vision quest, or ritual. Or our journey may be through collective movements reflecting the current Zeitgeist in music, art, dance, fashion, theatre, film; community formation and gatherings. These are some of the ways of bringing Mystery and Magic into Life, adding meaning and dimension.
Neptune in Pisces may also bring confusion, morphs, and shifts….previous ‘knowns’ transforming into dissolution and undoing…old forms of being heaving and groaning in their death-morph throes. Tides alter their course and wild waves dissolve rock faces and cliffs, those densest substances of Earth. The creative force dissolves and re-emerges in a renewed form.
There may be tidal Collective Uncertainty; now you see ‘it’, now you don’t. And what may ‘it’ really mean?! Glamour and the weaving of spells and manipulations.
With Neptune in Pisces, a figurehead may appear out of ‘nowhere’, rising to fame or recognition…maybe becoming a Saviour/Messiah figure, soon mysteriously disappearing and returning to nowhere. Or being collectively dispatched back to Nowhere, when the tide turns and another twist in the tale emerges. These figureheads may be alluring and magnetise attention. Illusion or Reality? Dream or Nightmare? Light or Dark? Questions arise amongst the collective as to what such figures may really represent. Who or what might be behind them? What’s the real agenda or underlying intent? Are they truly all they seemingly portray…or are they riddled with manipulated image and grandeur? Deification contains inherent danger; the projection of a perfect redeemer cannot sustain itself…and there is only one way to fall from a throne.
Are we each willing to stand by our own perceptions of Truth and risk the loss of fusion, which collective following and groupthink enables? Or might we yearn to belong so deeply that we are willing to compromise our own individual viewpoint or intuition, shapeshifting our own views to fit into the collective or group container. A mature and grounded selfhood is capable of holding one’s own point of view whilst being open, interested and curious towards the differing opinions of others. This is a skill in which we are not generally educated!
This is Rumi’s place of true meeting:
Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing there is a field. I’ll meet you there.
– Rumi
New spiritual or philosophical angles and outlooks may pervade the collective when Neptune transits Pisces…sweeping into consciousness; critical mass reached, sometimes becoming viral. What do we believe? How do we know? Maybe we can’t know for sure, and we may go by intuition. Is this wisdom or risky danger?
Movements and figureheads arise on powerfully pervasive tides. Within the mass of new paradigm philosophies and conspiracy theories there lie crucial grains of both important truths and questionable truths.
Maybe this is where the opposite sign of Virgo has a complementary role….to sift through and discern. Trash or treasure.
Pray to Allah….but tie up your camel.
Neptune in Pisces ~ a real life infusion
Within our present phase (Winter/Spring 2020) of Neptune in Pisces, we are experiencing the global pandemic of Covid-19, a virus which is at least debilitating and at most life threatening for a significant number of people. Coronavirus has surreptitiously and pervasively spread throughout many countries through human contact and virus-carrying vapour. And it is mysterious; constantly mutating, adapting, and renewing itself in slightly altered forms in order to evolve new strains in the hope of securing its own survival.
As a response to Covid-19 during these last few months, many governments initially restricted social contact between people and then moved into Lockdown in an attempt to ‘limit the spread of infection, save lives and support health services to function within their capacity’.
The everyday lives of many people have morphed dramatically. Our daily schedules, rhythms, and pace are moving from one extreme to another. The experience of these changes is largely dependent upon a person’s lifestyle, health condition (mental and physical), home-life, and work. Alongside this is our fundamental capacity to adapt, be creative, and self-care.
Health and care workers lives have become intensified…long hours and high risk of infection alongside more ‘public’ recognition of their value – yet no pay rises. Beyond government attitudes and legislation, individuals and communities have created a swell of compassion, kindness, and practical support. Some shops are offering a specific time of day when healthcare workers can shop, and/or a reduction on their shopping bills, free downloads, free services, and much more.
Some workers are finding themselves with slightly reduced earnings and lots of time freed up. This is wish come true for some, who are unearthing projects and plans and enjoying having time to do them.
For other it’s a struggle; a new and unfamiliar state of being, whether this is alone or maybe with a challenging household nucleus, or ongoing care responsibilities.
For many, changes in work and income are causing stress on both practical and psychological levels. We are in a situation of unknown timing and future outcome, with media announcements of a looming and chronic economic recession.
There is a sense of collective unrest within some nations. Many are experiencing feelings of uncertainty, anxiety, and mistrust as to the capacity of their governments’ ability to manage Covid-19. Do we trust them to handle the situation in a sensible, supportive, safe, and fair human way, acting with wisdom and common sense? The British and American governments are under particular scrutiny here!
Enter the issue of trust, manipulation, and agenda…is that ‘new idea’ or approach really supportive? Or is it riddled with undercurrents which support an elite and undermine others? Is a government a reliable and trustworthy authority (like a good parent!) …or not?
Alongside these transformations, compassion, care, and consideration are being inspired, re-fuelled, and re-birthed. Neighbours share resources, organise shopping rotas and deliveries, swap vegetable and flower seedlings, people chat over fences and in socially distanced queues outside shops. Local communities build support networks. Kindness and empathy flows…
There are a torrent of images, poems, photos, videos, and offerings being shared and ‘gifted’ on social media, mostly well-meaning. And yet, depending on personal nature and stance, these may be received as either a gift or a bane.
The Internet has become a rainbow bridge for many; an amazing medium for virtual connection, education and entertainment. It has become the first and, for some, the lasting ‘go-to’ amidst Lockdown. But the increase of information sharing has clearly provoked a sense of overload and overwhelm for some. Questions, confusions and doubts as to simply what to believe have arisen.
Many people are now finding the necessity to limit or shift their newfound internet and social media habits, wishing to regain a subjectively ‘healthier’ level of use during their home-bound or socially distanced reality. For some it has become a mode of distraction or a growing addiction. Amidst this expansion, morph, and shift in reality, boundaries may become an issue. Fortunately, there is an OFF button.
Hatching within our present Covid-impacted Neptune in Pisces reality, there is a growing recognition of the truly important things in life. Our altered reality is inspiring us to reflect upon those qualities in life which give us fulfillment, contentment and joy.
These qualities are so often connected with friendships and relationships, health and wellbeing, simplicity, and a slower pace which enables us to enjoy and notice the wonder in our lives with a sense of gratitude.
The simple and joyous pleasures and importance of really being with family, friends and loved ones.
During Lockdown, absence has made the heart grow fonder. Through the loss of face-to-face contact, many of us have realised a new level of value for friends and loved ones. There are connections which we may well have taken for granted, such as the value of hugging a beloved one, the pleasure of eating yummy cake in a cafe with a smile, going to a festival with friends, travelling or trecking, cuddling a child, holding the hand of a lonely or grieving person, and wandering, with no restriction, in beauty.
These precious common experiences, oft taken for granted, give us great nourishment and soul food. They lift us up and take us beyond our individual everyday routines and focus, infusing us with the wonders of connection and healthy life-sustaining cathexis. Connections of the heart, soul, and spirit are a deep longing and yearning within us humans.
So what might be written on the Neptune in Pisces gravestone as a testimony to the passing of this Cosmic signature when it completes in 2025?
What would you like to see written there, on the stone pages of the open-winged Angel’s book?
Would you like to see inscriptions of….
We each have a meaningful part to play as individual pieces of the Global Jigsaw. Each of us have specific gifts and wisdom of experience which we may gift to the world.
In these times it is crucial that we each choose our own theme of engagement, focus of further enquiry, and gift to the world with care.
Take some time to deeply dream your way into finding it. What inspires you?
This needs to be a reflection of you; your passions, your seeking, and your unique gifts.
Dream and meditate upon it, as these qualities bring your empowerment into being.
When it emerges, infuse it with your own wise knowings and intent to bring Spirit that bit further into a bonding with Matter.
Then breathe it into Life through compassionate action…
An Exploration of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn – a major planetary wave currently in action which has far-reaching meaning for us all.
Let’s begin by looking at how cycles of Earth and Cosmos entwine: Life on Earth has seasonal and evolutionary cycles, each with their own tone and theme. Within these cycles, things develop. Each ‘cycle’ has a beginning, middle and end. We can see this unfolding in myriad ways; within seasons, animal and plant growth, human beings and communities. And each new cycle, if we look closely, can be seen to have a distinctly unique ‘theme’ of its very own…just like the different phases during our lives. The initiation into each new cycle is heralded by an ‘emergence’… a happening; a seed of something; a new theme arising. Then comes stabilisation; a bedding-in, with habits and ‘roots’ forming and new things gradually becoming the ‘norm’. Then eventually, a breaking down process begins; the decaying and dying phase; stimulated by a change or shift occurring; maybe new information or understanding is gleaned, a sudden uprising of vision, an about-turn or illumination, upside-down-ness or magic. And then after a pause for breath…integration (which can be profoundly wisdom-birthing), a new cycle begins (again). It’s evolution.
Astrology can be really useful in connecting us with the unique underlying themes, tones, colours and ever- shifting qualities which uniquely shape each of these cycles. These themes may be divined by understanding the movements of planets against the backdrop of Zodiac signs, together with the relationships/interconnections between the planets themselves. Clear and fascinating correlations can be observed between celestial patterns and human or animal behaviour as well as plant and weather activity.
Life is enriched by both our observation and engagement. We may then become active co-creators in the interweaving of Earth and Cosmos…an ever-evolving tapestry.
Into the Now of 2019-20 – Saturn conjunct Pluto in Capricorn
A conjunction is when two or more planets are very close to one another in the heavens (within a few degrees). A conjunction represents an alchemical marriage of two archetypes, when the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. A new essence is birthed from their conjoining.
So firstly, let’s deep-delve into the psychological meaning of each of these planetary archetypes as separate developmental forces within both individuals and collectives…
Saturn moved into the Zodiac sign of Capricorn at the end of 2017. It is the ruling planet of this sign, therefore in an extra strong position…home territory. Its psychological archetype represents the development of a healthy ego-container for our Soul’s purpose to unfold within, and to become a true Authority (author of our own Life). It’s about structure, self-discipline, boundaries, reality, self-reliance, commitment and consolidation. It is the realm of standing at the Threshold; being held accountable for our actions, before we may move onwards into the next phase of our Soul’s journey. It’s a ‘taking stock’….in a necessary and sometimes seemingly ‘enforced’ way. Fate is at work. Images of Saturn are the Guardian of the Threshold, Grim Reaper; serious, dour, sensible and responsible. It’s about reality, as opposed to what we might pretend or want it to be. It’s the need to accept and respect our mortal limits and to live within Time, in a feet-on-the-ground way. Saturn is the wise teacher/mentor who roots for our ‘best’, not an unreal ‘perfect’ kind of best, rather, a grounded ‘good enough’ best of our ability. Saturn is soul-honing and self-sufficient, dealing with what is essential and workable; demanding that we stay within absolute reality (no frills or hubris). It’s our capacity to set realistic goals, plan and organise well in a disciplined way. It carries a willingness to adjust where necessary if something isn’t ‘working’, in order to attain our goal and survive. Saturn’s favourite quote might well be ‘We reap what we sow’. The darker face of Saturn drives us to hang on tooth-grittingly to a known, habitual safety and security-giving structure, in a bid for control. Hunkering down in avoidance and resistance of any change which is perceived as a threat. In this form, we intensify our scaffolding and self-protection… shoring up our defences and ultimately blocking the last window where the light can shine in upon our Soul, and we can shine out.
Pluto moved into the Zodiac sign of Capricorn in 2008. This was a year of grinding conflict, crisis, economic earthquakes and reformation (not revolution). Pluto will remain in Capricorn for 15 years. Pluto action lies beneath any situation. It’s the planetary ruler of Scorpio. It exposes the undercurrents of a particular Zodiac sign theme, or any planet with which it is connecting. These unearthings and exposures may arrive in the form of eruptions from our own individual consciousness, or the collective/group unconscious…or may even appear to ‘come at us’ from the outside. (Exploring this question could inform a whole future blog theme!). It represents the realm of the Shadow and the Unconscious; the Underworld of our mythic traditions. Pluto is the art of de-construction, getting to the bottom of the big ‘It’, and smoking out any poisons. It’s the courageous skill of ‘sitting in the void’. It’s our ability to remain steady (after the initial ‘Yikes’!!), in Survival mode; fully present and engaged in the face of traumatic chaos, when everything may be falling apart or disappearing or dying. It’s the process of making our relationship with the mythical dragon which guards riches, jewels and precious metals – the Treasure of Underworld caves. Interpreted psychologically, the Dragon represents the protective and yet permeable/liminal space or boundary-land, between our Conscious and Unconscious. And the (buried) Treasure represents the hidden or amputated aspects of our selves which ultimately call for re-integration. On a global level, Pluto represents our collective survival and evolution, needing to be met with honesty and integrity (integration of our highest Will and our deepest Instincts). Pluto utilises underground antennae and instincts….’sensing’ what lies hidden, processing and hubble-bubbling in a deep stewing process. On a personal level, Pluto is our Soul’s deep journey; Pluto transits face us with the clash between our Conscious self-image, and the deep desires of our Soul which lie beneath our conscious radar. Deep acceptance, griefwork and compassion are necessary if we wish to befriend the Dragon and allow an integration to begin. Challenging stuff. Through Pluto, we meet issues of truth, power, control, raw instinct, desire, passion, survival urges, empowerment and disempowerment. ‘What to hold onto and what to let go of’ becomes a big issue. The darker face of Pluto shrouds and defends personal vulnerability at all costs, erecting smokescreens and masks, wreaking wild or controlled havoc and destruction in its underground rumblings. eruptions and tearing down of walls; dealing in subterfuge and a whole array of manipulative machinations in order to gain and maintain power and control.
In Conjunction:
Saturn and Pluto are amidst a cycle of conjunction in Capricorn throughout 2019-20, briefly joined by Mars and Jupiter in March/April 2020 (see dates in Appendix, below). Mars and Jupiter add heat, focus, momentum, expansion, excitement, power, a desire to apply learning, an optimistic faith-holding and a great sense of Mission to the already intense de-construction/reconstruction process of Saturn- Pluto.
The combined natures of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn are a powerhouse; a maximisation of two very potent ‘forces’. They act as a pressure-can. And the heat is on. The potential for Transformation is intensified. And here’s where we all come in! It is our human engagement (or not), which shapes the ‘way’ a planetary transit actually manifests. We can go with it, or we can resist. Will we fearfully dig our heels in, or will we find the courage to move closer to our dragons and process and transform? This is our choice and Free Will…and the stakes are high at this point in our Earthly evolution. With this conjunction in Capricorn, the focus swings onto re-defining true authority; matters of survival and ‘How to?!’ from now onwards; respect for our instincts and the Wild; healthy boundary and border creation; and appropriateness and integrity of governance and ‘external’ authority. We may best engage by cultivating patient and persevering X-ray eyes into these issues, both within our own nature and in the collective. These issues form the current core focus and main agenda; both individually and collectively. We may best approach these issues with a raw un-shirking honesty alongside an openness to the spirit of transformation and renewal. Only once we have faced and mourned uncomfortable Truths within our present and past reality and maybe understood the origins and roots of our attitudes and ways, may we be ready to create new and workable values and ethics. These may then inform creative, workable and sustainable plans regarding what constitutes good stewardship and governance. And new systems which support the evolution of the Earth and all of nature may then come into being.
NB: There have been clear ‘real life’ correlations already evident during this cycle of Saturn-Pluto – Issues around Authority; governments faced with unprecedented far reaching decisions for their nations alongside being starkly faced with a survival-need to co-operate on a global level, (as ghosts rise from their past actions). Democracy/ dictatorship issue: who is acting as a ‘good parent’?; GB: a now greatly increased need for health service workers and police, after recent drastic cutting of their funding; Gross lack of support and value of care and service workers, Exposures of bad practices and grand mistruths within governance and media; Issues of Accountability; Mass migration and refugees; Tribal survival; Boundary/border issues; Food shortage, amongst many other crucial issues.
Saturn and Pluto both have gritty and pithy natures…within both these archetypes is a drive to ‘Face It’; to thoroughly and deeply process things ‘internally’ on pathways of a very solitary, deep journey of individuation. Both these principles focus upon dealing with things ‘completely’ and thoroughly; making wisdom out of experience, accepting difficulty, challenges, endings and losses as part of a necessary process of survival and evolution: The Great Process. Chrysalis to Butterfly on the journey of truly becoming an Authority in one’s own Life and in co-operation with others. Deep courage-demanding stuff.
Saturn ‘nails’ us. To our unworked issues which need dealing with, before we can move onwards on the trail…the principle of a ‘Stop’ sign, a traffic light, an external ‘authority’ or agent creating limitations and blocking any movement…until we are have ‘got’ the message and are ready. In combination with Pluto, we are nailed much harder, and the transformative alchemical heat is on. The Truth will out, but probably only after sufficient and intense build-up, and probably in ways we would never have imagined…a wave of ‘happening’ with accompanying flotsam and jetsam exposed on the surface for all to see. Pluto erupts. Saturn’s structure yawns and creaks, doors open and slam. Order and known familiar territory gets destroyed in the process. We wrestle with what to hold onto and what to let go of. Saturn’s security and boundaries are severely challenged and may well react with tightening up and holding on. It’s a rhythmic and incendiary battle. Things are brewing; chaos ensues, bubbles burst, things are learnt, we feel pulled and pushed, squished and restricted as the heat turns up. It’s intense and compellingly all-consuming. It’s the pressure-can of a lockdown.
And after each eruption, within the centre of it all, we might just experience the silent peace of the Void. Hope and faith in transformation lead us to look for any still-glowing embers which may happen to be hidden within the volcanic ashes of eruption/destruction…of a Phoenix feather-colour. Something new is being birthed from deep within the purity and space of the Void. A spark which needs kindling.
Our task is to be brave, to combine instinct, intuition and intelligence, to polish our antennae, face reality and seek deeply, to take response-ability, to work our stuff, to enquire, to dream, to wonder, to kindle faith, to actualise values, to grow and mature, to be grateful, and to commit to becoming new ways of being Wise ones together.
May we seek and find courage to breathe fire into new inspirations which truly serve the needs of all beings on Earth.
May we act with and ruthless compassion…and Truth.
Appendix:- Major and meaningful planetary alignments of this time:-(for those of you who like dates, details, numbers, and Astro-nerdiness)